Post Op Check List
Things to do after surgery
Go directly home and if possible, elevate your feet on the way. Reduce your activity to remain off your feet for prolonged periods of time for the next 72 hours, getting up only as necessary.
Elevate your feet level with the hips by supporting your feet and legs with pillows. *Toe lengthening & reconstruction patients DO NOT elevate.
Alternate use of ice packs around the foot (20 min. ON, 20 min. OFF) for 4 hours after arriving home. Make sure the ice pack does not leak by wrapping it in a towel. *Toe lengthening & reconstruction patients DO NOT ice.
Keep your dressings dry. Use the shower cover to keep your bandages dry. Avoid areas of where your foot can get soaked like pools, jacuzzis, beaches, sunbathing.
Take your medications (if any) as directed.
You should get plenty of rest with the feet elevated, drink plenty of fluids, and eat a regular well balanced diet.
In some cases, the skin may take on a bruised appearance. This is no cause for alarm.
Wear your post-op shoe AT ALL TIMES. Walk with the non-surgical foot leading method. Use crutches or walker if your procedure requires it. *The post-op shoe is supposed to be bigger than your foot.
Exercise your legs occasionally by bending your knees gently to stimulate circulation..
If you have discomfort, take your pain medication before it becomes intolerable.
Visit the Support page and watch the videos.
Things NOT to do after surgery
Do not sit with your feet down or crossed for any length of time. This causes the feet to swell and become painful.
Do not remove the bandages or inspect the wound. A small amount of blood on the bandage is normal.
Do not allow the bandage to become wet or dirty.
Do not apply heat to your foot.
Do not take alcohol with your medication. Do not operate machinery such as your car while taking pain medications.
DO NOT SMOKE during your recovery period to allow for optimal healing conditions.
Do not work out, go to the gym, or participate in any type of athletic activity.