Patient Bill of Rights
You have the right to accurate and easily understood information about your health plan, health care professionals, and health care facilities. If you speak another language, have a physical or mental disability, or just don't understand something, help should be given so you can make informed health care decisions.
You have the right to choose health care providers who can give you high-quality health care when you need it.
You have the right to know your treatment options and take part in decisions about your care. Parents, guardians, family members, or others that you choose can speak for you if you cannot make your own decisions.
You have the right to talk privately with health care providers and to have your health care information protected, unless disclosure is permitted by law. You will receive a separate “Notice of Privacy Practices” that explains your privacy rights in detail and how we may use and disclose your protected health information. You also have the right to read and copy your own medical record. You have the right to ask that your doctor change your record if it is not correct, relevant, or complete.
You have the right to participate in and make decisions about your care and pain management, including refusing care, to the extent permitted by law. Your care provider (such as a doctor or nurse) will explain the medical consequences of refusing recommended treatment. However, you do not have the right to demand inappropriate or medically unnecessary treatment or services.
You have the right to have your illness, treatment, pain, alternatives, and outcomes explained in a way that you can understand.
You have the right to expect emergency procedures to be implemented without unnecessary delay.
You have the right to a complete explanation if you will be transferred to another facility or hospital. You have the right to have a family member or representative promptly notified of your transfer.
You have the right to be told the names of your doctors, nurses, and all health care team members directing and/or providing your care.
You have the right to receive care in a safe setting, free from all forms of abuse, neglect, mistreatment, or harassment.
You have the right to receive considerate, respectful and compassionate care in a safe setting regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or disabilities.
You have the right to give or refuse consent for recordings, photographs, films, or other images to be produced or used for internal or external purposes other than identification, diagnosis, or treatment. You have the right to withdraw consent up until a reasonable time before the item is used.
You have the right to know who owns the facility and/or has any financial interest in the facility. The following persons have ownership and/or financial interest in the facility: Ali Sadrieh, DPM
You have the right to have your concerns and complaints addressed. Should you or your designated guardian, advocate, support person, or representative feel, at any time, that your rights as a patient have been violated - or you wish to share a compliment, concern, or complaint - please file a grievance in writing and mailed to the address below. Sharing your concerns and complaints will not compromise your access to care, treatment, and services.
Evo Advanced Foot Surgery
PO Box 1360
Studio City, CA 91614
(310) 691-5411
If your concern is not resolved to your liking, you may also contact the California Department of Public Health regardless of whether you use the facility’s grievance process.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
PO Box 997377, MS 0500
Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
(916) 558-1784