Consent to Operate
The Decision for Surgery
It is important that you understand before making the decision to go forward with surgery, there are conservative options that may or may not help your condition. Make sure that you understand these options and whether they are a possibility for your situation or not.
By signing the consent to operate, you are agreeing that you have read and understand the proposed surgical procedures and potential risks they carry, and Dr. Sadrieh has explained the procedures to you, and potential complications they carry. You are consenting to a surgical solution to resolve the pain, discomfort and irritation that the problem you are experiencing with your foot.
As the patient, you have the right to ask questions about your procedures so that you understand the decision to go forward with surgery. You also have the right to cancel your procedure any time you choose, even the day of surgery.
If your surgery involves anesthesia (General or IV Sedation) it is important that you discuss the possible risks of anesthesia with your anesthesia provider before or the morning of surgery. This may impact your decision to have anesthesia performed and only get local anesthesia for the procedure. Discussion with your anesthesia provider will help you make a more informed decision in this matter.
You are also acknowledging that you have been instructed to and will:
Read the post op guide, available for download here:
Watch the post op videos on the support page.
If there is a complication, you will connect with your surgeon directly via messaging, and call and leave a message if necessary.
As with all surgical procedures, you understand that no guarantee can be made as to the outcome of the procedure.
Thank you, for choosing evo to correct your foot problem. It is a pleasure, and an honor to be chosen as your surgical team… we look forward to providing you with the best possible results.
Excellent results come with team work between the patient and their doctor. Your consideration and participation in your care is appreciated and an important part of a successful surgical endeavor.
Surgery can be a complicated endeavor. Although procedures are refined over time, and the percentage of success is high with certain types of surgery, the fact remains that the process of healing and tissue response can vary from patient to patient, and often times, from one foot to another in the same patient.
Over the course of our practice, we’ve been cognizant of this, and have dedicated our efforts to create resources that provide clarity and help our patients understand the process, as well as risks associated with their surgical decision.
Despite the improvement in surgical techniques, outcomes and resources available to patients, there are still times that results are not satisfactory to the patient, or the doctor. This part of the practice of medicine, and the commitment between the doctor and the patient to pursue refinement, and revision of the variation in results is what can determine the final outcome.
With over 20 years of experience, and a highly focused and slow flow practice, we still have the rare, and unfortunate experience of complications. Most complications with the type of procedures we perform, can be resolved with conservative efforts and some require further surgical efforts; but the majority can be resolved. Please know that our commitment to you is the mutual goal of a successful outcome.
We will pursue all options to obtain the results that we consider successful, and will not act complacently when the unfortunate event of a complication occurs. Your committed, and relaxed collaboration with the doctor is crucial for navigating recovery from a complication with an optimum approach.
We take our work personally and stand behind the trust you placed in our practice to successfully accomplish our surgical endeavor together.
Long Distance Patients
We’ve had the privilege of serving patients from all around the U.S. and the world since 2001. Although it’s been a long time, every time we see a new patient from outside of Los Angeles, we make sure you’re prepared for the challenges that long distance medical care could impose.
It’s important to consider before you proceed with surgery, that if you experienced an unexpected complication, or unwanted result with your procedure, it may be required to travel back to allow your surgeon to manage the problem, or perform a revision surgery.
Unfortunately, as with all aspects of medicine, even with procedures that have been performed reliably thousands of times with consistent results, there is still the possibility of a complication, or results that are not what you or your surgeon expected.
More importantly, the ability to manage those cases becomes challenging when there is a geographic distance between the doctor and the patient.
Most of the time, this is not an issue since the procedures we perform, similar to those of other foot surgeons, have a relatively simple recovery and reliable outcome. However in the event that your procedure falls into the statistical group that needs more work, your commitment and ability to follow up will be an important factor in providing you the results you want.
Please make sure to consider your decision to travel to our practice, and the potential challenges it may pose if we were to encounter a post operative complication, or an unfavorable result. If you find that considering the commitment, traveling for correction is not something that is ideal for you, then please communicate with us, and we will make every effort to help refer you to resources that will help you find a doctor closer in geographic location to you.
Your surgeon is always available for more discussion regarding this topic, and would love to answer any questions you had so that you can make your decision with confidence and clarity.